[TUTORIAL] How to add iptv playlist to X-STREAMITY
Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of IPTV PLAYLISTS on the ENIGMA2 set-box under a OpenATV 7.1 image and X-STREAMITY plugin.
This plugin support EPG you need just to add the source of EPG.
—->>> [TUTORIAL] How to add EPG to X-STREAMITY
For this tutorial you need.
ALL receivers using ENIGMA2 image like, OpenATV, VTI, BlackHole,VTi, OpenPLi,OpenNFR,OpenVision, OpenSPA, OpenESI, TeamBlue, OpenEight, OpenPLus, OpenVix, Hyperion, OpenHDF, DreamElite, GEMINI, Newnigma2, Merlin4,…etc
recivers like
Vu+, dreambox, Gigablue, Octagon, ZGEMMA,…etc
press Green button to launch plugin
next choose XSTREAMITY plugin and press OK
Enter the informations of your subscription
After press GREEN BUTTON to SAVE playlist
PLAYLIST added with success.
choose playlists and press OK
your subscription with EXPIRATION DATE
press OK to load playlist
Now choose LIVE STRAMS
playlist loaded with success.
choose the package and your channel
congratulation you can now watch your favorit channel