[PLUGIN] Bouquet Maker Xtream – IPTV Bouquet Maker

BouquetMakerXtream (BMX) – Official Release.

A plugin to allow the easy creation of bouquets for IPTV playlists.

Based on my original JediMakerXtream plugin, but completely rewritten and code modernised.

BouquetMakerXtream should be compatible with all images and boxes.

  • Create bouquets for Xtream Codes / XUI One
  • Create bouquets for external m3u8 playlists.
  • Create bouquets for local m3u8 playlists.
  • Categories and individual channels can be hidden
  • Auto update option
  • Picons download option
  • Catchup option via ChannelSelect screen (not EPG guide) for Xtream/XUI playlists if your provider has it.
  • This plugin does not contain any playlists or channels. All IPTV playlists need to be sourced by user.
  • IPTV is perfectly legal – IPTV providers/playlists that contain unscrambled encrpyted channels are illegal. User is responsible for any downloaded playlist content.
  • We do not discuss IPTV providers on this forum.
  • I don’t recommend, promote or have an affiliation with any provider. Questions regarding IPTV providers will be ignored/deleted.
  • Do not post IPTV provider names, provider URLs, provider IP addresses, or screenshots that identify providers in this thread.
  • Check any posted crash logs do not contain any of your provider, username & password details.
  • It is recommend you use a VPN with any IPTV plugin. VPN use is not the topic of this thread.

Do not post personal MOD code in this thread, including different functionality, different skins etc. It confuses me, it confuses users.
Also we test most code on multiple images and boxes. Modifications might work on your setup, but may crash other peoples.
Start a new thread if need be quoting it is a mod and what images/box it is has been tested on.


openpli 8.3+ please install from plugin feeds first to load required dependencies.
Then you can load the latest from this forum over the top.

BouquetMakerXtream is available in lots of image feeds under plugins / download plugins / extensions. The 100% latest version can always be found on post 1 of this thread. Feeds are sometimes a little behind.

How to manually install .ipk on OE-Alliance images via telnet

To manually install, copy ipk to tmp folder

then telnet/ putty

opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

How to manually install .deb on DreamOS via telnet

To manually install, copy ipk to tmp folder

then telnet/ putty

dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb

apt-get update

apt-get install -f

press Y key to finish installation when asked


In the majority of cases the plugin will automatically install all the required dependencies required for BouquetMakerXtream.

Rarely this fails and the user will need to ensure all dependencies are installed currently via telnet/putty

If you are getting repeated dependencies console screen. Try these commands

Load only the dependencies relevant to your image.

Python 2

opkg install python-requests

opkg install python-multiprocessing

opkg install python-image

opkg install python-imaging

opkg install wget Full wget is required for https lines and used by the download manager.

python 3

opkg install python3-requests

opkg install python3-pillow

opkg install wget Full wget is required for https lines and used by the download manager.

Dreamboxes – Python 2

apt-get -y install python-requests

apt-get -y install python-image

apt-get -y install python-imaging

apt-get -y install wget Full wget is required for https lines and used by the download manager.

Dreamboxes – Python 3

apt-get -y install python3-requests

apt-get -y install python3-multiprocessing